Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Late Late Season

 We slipped out of our work schedule to finish the final three days of the Iowa bird season for 2010-2011.  We traveled lengths of 100+ miles to discover new ground.  During these three days a heavy winter storm joined us.  Snow, wind, lightening (during a snow storm), and a short wind from the North and sometimes East was with this hunt.  We geared up (and re-geared up) and prepared to chase the last of the veteran roosters that made it thus far through this season.   Tho noticeably tired in the kennel throughout the three day hunt, the dogs ran tough and true.. motivating me to hunt harder and farther than I normally would have gone.  We are merely along for the ride, or to drive them, rather.  I am privleged to hunt with them.  This is dog sport.
 The storm came up.  I surveyed the newly found hunting spot.  We were at the foot of these amazing hills that were carved by a glacier.  For a minute as my fingers chilled to a recognizably numb place,  I was able to grab my camera and snap a quick photo.  The dogs carried on past me, away into some of the thickest reed and cat tails I had yet encountered this season... pulling me away from this.
 Old roosters.  Elusive.  I think I like the late season better than the early season.  The late season is where the bird dogs really excel: flash points, tricky old birds that mess with your mind.  I grab for my hood as the wind changes direction.  My fingers are once again numb.  Happy.
 This guy was found far away from where I shot him.  Old rooster.  He raced a good 200 yards behind us before Darlin` found him.  I let her run wild on his trail after the shot.  I was so happy when she found him.  200 yards!  Behind us!
The Dead Rooster Clan.  2010-2011 Iowa season complete.  Nebraska is next.

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